Bookmark-worthy branding must-knows, copwriting tips, and marketing how-tos for small business owners. 

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Postpartum support should be the norm for all parents, but it’s hard to find — especially as Black and brown parents. But with the right copywriter in Jasmine’s corner to help with her brand launch (a.k.a. me), the right postpartum support partner (a.k.a. Jasmine) can find them. Whether you’re a first-time mom, or you’re welcoming […]

She Found Power Case Study

Postpartum support should be the norm for all parents, but it’s hard to find — especially as Black and brown parents. But with the right copywriter in Jasmine’s corner to help with her brand launch (a.k.a. me), the right postpartum support partner (a.k.a. Jasmine) can find them. Whether you’re a first-time mom, or you’re welcoming […]

“How to become a copywriter” is searched 2,900 times a month on average. That means you, reading this right now, are a part of that 2,900 who are interested in a highly lucrative job in one of the coolest industries in the world. You hear that? That’s me applauding you from my copy cave in […]

A heeled foot on top of copywriting books

Everyone is trying to find a lucrative remote job, and ‘learn copywriting’ is the term on everybody’s tongue. And who can blame them? It’s a highly sought-after (and yet highly underrated) trade that brands and agencies around the world need. And if you’re really really really great, you can make a huge killing off of […]

Woman holding notebook

Too long, don’t wanna read? Listen in 5 minutes instead ⬇️ If you’ve been on the hunt for a website copywriter, you’ll want to read this case study. If you like podcasts, you’re in for a treat. When you think “podcast”, you might think of a problematic man with a microphone. They certainly get a […]

Black woman speaking into microphone

How much does copywriting cost? If you made it to this post, chances are you’re either on the hunt for a copywriter, or you’re becoming one and need to know how much to charge. The fact is, this recent dip in the economy has everyone clutching their purses tighter than a prude clutches their pearls. […]

Typewriter and a paper on a seat, with a purse nearby on a table

Too long, don’t wanna read? Listen in less than 10 minutes ⬇️ If you’re a small business owner that operates online, you need to do market research for a number of reasons: And there are a lot of tools out there — too many to sort through. But after 4 years of writing copy for dozens […]

Woman writing on a whiteboard

Too long, don’t wanna read? Listen in less than 7 minutes ⬇️ I’ve been a copywriter for 4 years, and have figured out how to be a business owner for just as long (and I’m still figuring it out). Along the way, I’ve found small business tools that help me with day-to-day business tasks and […]

A laptop, notebook, pens, camera, and disco ball on a table

If you’re reading this, chances are you own a small business. Or you struggle to write how you sound and are stuck in the writing style you learned in school. Or you need guidelines to help you — and anyone you hire in the future — sound on-brand and consistent every time you communicate.

Smiling woman looking down at cell phone in her hands