— you, after getting messaging that sells your game- changing offer to your dream clients.

i'm ready to book

ffwd to services 

karen williams, Black visual queen

“You're phenomenal! An absolute treasure. Not only did you deliver what was needed, but you also went above and beyond, surpassing my wildest expectations. Your talent and dedication have truly blown me away. Thank you for being simply outstanding!”


90 min. COPY intensive

You’ve got something different to offer, and that calls for a different approach. I’ll dive deep into the data to discover insightful information that tells you what your dream clients need right now. Which will fuel your marketing and your offers — now and later. With this in our back pocket, I craft compelling, conversational, and cultured AF copy — pulling the creative words out of the ether you were lost in.

If you’re going to outsource to a copywriter, you need a good bang for your buck. Someone who you can vibe with, who knows what they’re doing, and who can mimic your voice as well as you — now that’s a good investment! But it’s going to take more than a cheap service provider on Fiverr or Upwork — or even your VA — to check all the boxes. 

Are with the vibes, and excited for the ENERGY I’m about to bring

Are ready to invest in copy that gets the results you’re looking for (or you’re interested in a service swap we can both benefit from)

Respect copywriting as a craft, and consider it a business essential

Aren't here for the fake bullsh*t and you're ready to shake some tables

Know your brand like the back of your hand, and all the ways you bring something new and necessary to the online space

Are a woman, BIPOC, queer (or all of the above) small business owner

So if you…

Then we’re a perfect fit.

If you’re vibing with the proposal I’m putting down, I’ll send you all the documents to sign. Then pack your party hat, because we’re filling out your brand questionnaire as soon as you hit send on that first invoice!

2. The Party Starts


Fill out my application form to get started. If we fit together like Baileys & hot chocolate, I’ll set up a call and you can spill all the tea.

1. Reach Out


Prepare for energy you won’t find anywhere else

What’s the process?

After presenting my research findings and copy plan, that’s when the writing starts. So sit back and dance to your upbeat jam — I’ll take it from here. 

I Write, You Relax


Now the real work begins. While you’re uploading files to your Google Drive folder, I’m getting down and dirty in the data. 

Research Mode


After revisions (or maybe none! I might just wow you with the first draft) you get your final copy assets. Plus, additional copy support to really energize your launch.

Prepare For Launch


$1,800 for 15 hours
$3,000 for 25 hours
$6,000 for 50 hours
$120/Hr for pay-as-you-go copy

Every Copy Retainer includes:
  • Onboarding Call, Brand Questionnaire & Copy Briefs to gather information on your brand identity, target audience, competitor, and offer
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Live Review Calls and/or Loom Copy Walkthroughs
  • A Suggestion Doc: of tips, suggested next steps to capitalize on your new copy, and recommended resources to help you with the next stage

And we can do anything you need from the list below:

  • Market, SEO, Consumer, and Competitor Research, and Message Testing 
  • Web Copy: as many pages as you need
  • Sales Pages
  • Landing Pages
  • Welcome Email Sequences
  • Sales Email Sequences
  • Newsletter Emails
  • Copy Audits
  • Video Scripts
  • Lead Magnets
  • Social Copy
  • Ad Copy
  • Branded Assets (onboarding & offboarding documents, proposals, workflow emails, etc.)

Want a bunch of stellar copy for a fraction of the cost? With a copy retainer, you get extended period of time with me. So I can learn & consistently use your brand voice in all the copy you need me to write, give you my professional recommendations when you’re unsure about things, and it’ll be a vibe!

Copy Retainer

⭐Client favourite ⭐

Write All My Copy

Price making you go 😬? There are payment plans!


Sound consistent, compelling, and cool wherever you show up online with a comprehensive brand voice guide to live by. 

This service includes:

  • Onboarding Call
  • Market, Competitor, and Consumer Research
  • Brand Voice & Messaging Development
  • A Comprehensive Brand Voice Guide, with:
  • Brand voice
  • Tones of voice and the do’s & don’ts so you stay on track
  • Copy examples to see how your tone of voice applies to content writing and functional writing (i.e. Instagram posts, canned emails, app copy, elevator pitches, etc.)
  • Brand personality
  • Customer Archetype
  • Positioning Statements
  • Your mission
  • Your vision
  • Brand values
  • Writing style guidelines
  • Brand dictionary
  • Brand manifesto
  • OPTIONAL: Potential taglines
  • OPTIONAL: How your tone of voice applies to your visual identity
  • 2 Revisions
  • A Complimentary Copy Audit: of up to 3 of your blog posts, social copy, or emails to check if you’re staying on track
  • A Suggestion Doc: of tips, suggested next steps to capitalize on your new copy, and recommended resources to help you with the next stage


craft my brand voice


My big-baddie service that gives you all the fixings for a killer website launch. 

This service includes:

  • Brand Questionnaire:
  • Market, SEO, Consumer, and Competitor Research
  • Research Findings Presentation
  • Comprehensive Brand Voice Guide (this is everything you get in a brand voice guide)
  • Up to 10 Pages of Website Copy 
  • OPTIONAL Figma Wireframe
  • 4-8 Email Welcome Sequence
  • 10 Website Launch Social Posts (Don’t have an email list yet, or don’t need social copy? You can swap these out for blog posts, video scripts, or lead magnet development!)
  • 2 revisions
  • 1 Live Review Call
  • A Suggestion Doc: of tips, suggested next steps to capitalize on your new copy, and recommended resources to help you with the next stage
  • 30 Days Post-Project Copy Support
  • Complimentary Copy Audit Within 1 Year of Project End 

Premium Web Copy Package

Get Me a Wow-Worthy Website Launch


The big-baddie package to secure a big bag with your course, program, digital product(s), or whatever game-changing offer you’ve got to launch. 

This service includes:

  • Brand Questionnaire:
  • Market, SEO, Consumer, and Competitor Research
  • Research Findings Presentation
  • Brand Voice Guide (this is everything you get in a brand voice guide)
  • 1 Long-form Sales Page
  • 10 Social Launch Posts
  • 8-12 Email Sales Sequence
  • 1 Welcome/Success Email 
  • 2 revisions
  • 1 Live Review Call
  • A Suggestion Doc: of tips, suggested next steps to capitalize on your new copy, and recommended resources to help you with the next stage
  • 30 Days Post-Project Copy Support
  • Complimentary Copy Audit Within 1 Year of Project End 

Premium Offer Launch Package

Get Me Ready For Launch

Starting at $1,200

Copy not pulling its weight? With research insights and expert strategies, I’ll audit your copy and give you feedback for energizing your copy to convert better. 

This service includes:

  • Brand Questionnaire
  • Market, SEO, Consumer, and Competitor Research
  • Intensive Copy Audit: a Loom Video recording of me reviewing your copy + a document of feedback & suggested changes you can implement that’ll breathe new life into your copy
  • 1 Live Call: going over your updated copy together, and giving you final feedback on any other suggested changes.
  • Consumer Research Questions: to test if your messaging is working well
  • A Suggestion Doc: of tips, suggested next steps to capitalize on your new copy, and recommended resources to help you with the next stage

Copy audit

Help Me Energize My Copy

Welcome Sequence: starting at $720 (Or get my customizable welcome sequence for $27)

Sales Sequence: starting at $1,200

Newsletter Emails: $1,000 for 4 emails per month (want just a few? Book a 90-min. Copy Intensive!)

Want to educate, engage, and convert in the inbox? I’ll write the emails that keep your subscribers opening every email.

This service includes:

  • Brand Questionnaire: 
  • Market and Consumer Research
  • Emails: to welcome new subscribers, keep them hooked on your every word, and compel them to buy what you’re selling
  • 2 Revisions


write my emails

Sometimes on-screen support can make or break conversions, Make a first impression to rival all first impressions, excite your target audience about what you’ve got to share, or sell your latest offer with a short and sweet script that compels your viewer to tap the button. 

This service includes:

  • Brand Questionnaire: to gather your USP, brand story, mission, vision, target audience, and the whole 9s.
  • 90 sec. - 5 min. script: that engages, entices, and energizes your target audience to grab your latest offer
  • 2 Revisions: so you can have copy that you love

video script

Compel & Convert On-Screen

Investment: $360

Need copy done, like, yesterday? Or need a professional eye on what you have, without the hefty price tag? This 90-minute intensive video call is perfect to get any social copy, emails, or copy audits you need done quickly, or to get advice on how to improve what you’re working with.

This service includes:

  • Brand Questionnaire: spend an hour filling out the need-to-know information so I can get more done during our 90 minutes together
  • 90 min. Zoom Call: I’ll write, edit, or advise in 90 minutes, and give you the video recording and audio transcript for future reference



Investment: $420


 "Working with Jemilla has been nothing short of wonderful! Since working together, we complete our projects faster, spend less time coming up with copy, the copy written is specifically for our target audience, and we’ve been nailing down our brand voice. If you're on the hunt for a copywriter, look no further!”

Jemilla is a copywriting wizard



“I have been in business for years and have not had a website the whole time because of the copy alone. I would sit down to map out and write my copy and just blank came to my mind. I felt so relieved and excited to get working on my website and showcasing my new website copy! The whole experience was amazing. I really felt supported, listened to and you really took my vision for things and had them come to life through my new copy!”

You brought my brand voice to life


Obehi,  AuroraEya

You were supportive, responsive and very quick to turn things around which I loved. I also like how you adjusted the copy based on the feedback I provided and especially how you always had ideas for how we could expand what you covered with the copy retainer. I loved that I could get sales pages, email, social copy and ads all in one offer! t was great that you were actively thinking and proposing ways we could expand what you worked on for my business.

Definitely worth the investment

copy retainer

Jennifer, Day to Day Assist

"I was DIY-ing my copy and I felt like I was beginning to sound like everyone else. I also didn't feel like my copy was cohesive across all platforms. My biggest frustration was not feeling like my brand voice was standing out & feeling like I had to "call my audience out" to get their attention. Now, Day to Day Assist has a voice that feels good to me and stands out amongst the competition. Working with you was definitely worth the investment! I love the way your copy retainer works and how quickly you were able to get things done. I also feel like you listened to what I wanted. My copy feels 100% aligned with who I am."

10 out of 10 out of 10

copy retainer

“Do you have payment plans?”

All my clients get additional copy support from yours truly after the project is done and dusted. So if you’re ready to hand off your copy to someone that just gets you + can write the money-making words in your voice…

Just in case you were having second thoughts… I’ve got that secret sauce

let's work together

booking JANUARY 2025

Browse strategic, easy-to-use, copywriter-approved resources


Goodies, goodies, get your goodies!

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Get brand voice advice and copywriting tips every tuesday morning that you can implement right away

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